Please call us on 07932 666115
Hi, thanks for visiting this page where we’d like to explain the process by which we receive leads via both Bark and Bidvine. These two sites are very important to us as a means of connecting with potential clients but there are a few issues with the way they work which we’d like to explain here.
The Way It Works
We have registered with these sites as suppliers of photography and videography so when you enter a request at either of these sites we receive an email which outlines what you need and when you need it. If it is something that we would like to do then we pay a fee ranging from £10 to £25 to be given your details. We then contact you and begin a dialogue regarding your requirements.
The Problem
Both of these sites, but mainly Bark, have a way for you to express an interest in a particular photographer and you can ask directly for a quote. This is normally great for us but it does have one drawback. If we are unable to attend your event on the date specified as we already have a booking on that day, the only way for us to tell you that we can’t do it is to pay the fee to obtain your contact details, only to then let you know that we can’t accommodate you! As you can imagine, this makes no business sense to pay £10-£25 just to tell someone that you can’t do the job!
So, what we are trying to say is that if you have expressly requested us to send you a quote and you don’t hear from us then we’re not being rude it’s just that we are already booked on that date.
Hope this all makes sense and please contact us directly so we can maybe work out a different date if we’re already booked.